Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Comical Sweetie Pie

Just have to share one of my favorite photos of my comediene goat.  She is just a hoot to be around and this is what makes homesteading so endearing to my heart.  I hope I never lose the ability to have my 'friends' on the farm.
She was trying her best to give me a smooch!

Gotta love goats or you're missing out. :)

Prim Blessings,

Wow How Time Flies!!

I'm so busy here lately I feel as if I'm meeting myself coming back!  Homesteading is a full time job, but then add homebased primitives business, plus all day Thursdays doing nursing home programs and choir directing... it makes for one tired but happy campers (not that I've been camping for a year or so!). I'm offering my prim patterns on now and will be working full time getting my designs made and into pattern form as well as keeping up with orders, auctions, and church activities.  Maybe all this work will make me feel young again.  Hey! It could happen! LOL

I'm expecting the best looking kids being born just any time now from our Mini Nubian and Nigerian goats.  Milking will be added to the list of chores as well as making goat milk soap, cheese, and other goodies that are rewards from raising and milking goats. Plus, don't forget the baby goat kisses!!

I've got three new doll designs to finish up this week so I'd better get my Yankee Doodle Dandy face on but do it Texas style. :>)))  I'll post the new designs as soon as I finish them so Stay Tuned.

Prim Blessings,
Wanda (aka MiMi)